Antidote to the Metaverse


For me, being WildFed — hunting, fishing, and foraging — is about a lot more than just getting my groceries. It’s an antidote to the Metaverse. These endeavors megadose you with reality. They’re real, actual experiences that nourish your senses with the authentic. Tangible, undeniable encounters in un-curated spaces and with the other-than-human beings with whom we share the biological world. 

How easily we’re embracing this dystopia. No matter how much it divides and damages us, like addicts, we keep reaching for more. So many humans are preparing — en masse — to leave, to dissociate from reality. Even now they’re being coerced, marketed to, and manipulated. Pushed, with messaging of fear and stress, alternated with surges of synthetic euphoria, into digital spaces. They’re leaving the real world that we didn’t create for a surrogate one we did. A world where, thinking ourselves gods, we’ve become slaves of our own making.

Some of us just won’t go. We’d rather revel in what’s real, rather be small in a world whose creation we cannot fathom or understand than to be vassals in an illusion made in the image of human hubris. I wonder what they’ll call us. Digital-deniers? Meta-hesitant?

I’ll take the real until my last breath. Staying human, biological, awake, and aware. 

Life is too beautiful, too precious to spend it trying to escape. The opportunity to gain wisdom, humility, and understanding — to experience love and grace — is too profound to be endlessly hypnotized by bright lights and conditioned to triggered dopamine infusions.

The world is changing fast. You don’t need to hunt, fish, or forage to stay anchored to reality — but you’ll need an antidote too. What’s yours?

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